2025-26 Grants and Grants Application Process

View Our Grant Cycle
Organizations eligible to apply for a grant from the Foundation must:

  • Be non-profit, 501(c)(3) organizations
  • Serve the local community of Central New Jersey (View a map of our funding area HERE)
  • Request support for programs that promote education in the arts, history, and the health and wellbeing of community residents and which are consistent with the mission and priorities of the Foundation (see below)
  • For detailed information on eligibility and requirements, please see our 2025-26 Grant Guidelines

The Foundation stipulates that:

  • Proposals will be considered up to a maximum of $12,000
  • Projects that extend over multiple fiscal years are ineligible for support
  • Organizations receiving awards are eligible to apply for funding in subsequent years, following successful programming and fulfillment of reporting requirements (as detailed in Section IV of the Grant Guidelines)

What we DO NOT fund:

  • We no longer fund student scholarships or scholarships of any type
  • Private Schools
  • Organizations outside of our geographic area of focus
  • Salaries unless connected to a specific program
  • Individuals

Mission Statement

The Astle-Alpaugh Family Foundation is a private grant-making organization with a mission to improve the lives of individuals and families. Our priorities are derived from involvement in the local community of Central New Jersey.

We believe that the strength of a society can be measured by how it cares for its most vulnerable citizens – we seek to provide stability and hope for the elderly and for at-risk children and youth, as well as for persons suffering from illness, hunger, poverty, abuse, and chemical dependency.

We strive to foster community involvement in education – we fund diverse educational programs.

We place a strong priority on the improvement of our local community – we support museums, community centers, and historic preservation.

2025-2026 Grant Cycle

The 2025-2026 Grant Cycle opens June 1, 2025.

  • Letter of Inquiry (LOI) is due between June 1, 2025 and September 4, 2026.
  • The LOI must have been received via email or postmarked by September 4, 2025.
  • Email submissions should be sent to taaff.org@gmail.com
  • Mailed applications should be sent to PO Box 182, Annandale NJ 08801-0182.
  • Invitations for full proposals will be sent by October 25, 2025.
  • Full proposals must be submitted by January 11, 2026.
  • Decisions regarding grant funding will be made by March 7, 2026.
  • Download/View our Grant Guidelines
  1. Letter of Inquiry (LOI) Guidelines
    The LOI is the first step in the grant application process. The LOI should contain all of the necessary information needed by the Foundation to determine the potential fundability of a given project or program. The LOI is a formal document that should serve as a “preview” of the organization’s potential full grant proposal. LOIs that communicate a potential good fit between the proposed program and The Foundation’s mission will be invited to submit a full grant proposal. Both new and returning applicants must submit LOIs. LOI Content Requirements:

    • The total amount of funding being requested
    • Contact information for the principal person who will be handling all communications pertaining to the LOI and any subsequent grant request(s), and who will be responsible for the use of grant funds
    • A description of the organization and its mission and/or goals
    • A detailed overview of the proposed project or program for which funding is being requested, including:
      • An anticipated timeline or plan
      • A detailed preliminary budget
      • A description of any other support or funding that has been secured
      • A statement of the proposed project or program’s significance, potential impact, and educational benefits
      • A statement of the connection between the project or program and the mission and goals of The Astle-Alpaugh Family Foundation
  2. Full Proposal
    After LOIs are reviewed, selected organizations will be invited to submit a full grant proposal. Separate requirements for proposals will be provided at that time.

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